A Moment in Time

Tonight my baby girl let me put her to bed for the first time in several weeks.

She’s been “brave” and “grown up” enough and exiting a season of anxiety-fueled, “don’t leave the bathroom when I’m in the shower,” so, this has been a reprieve. 

The “No, I’m good,” to my, “Do you want me to tuck you in?” left this mama heart a little wanting.

I’ve been plenty absent in the evening myself. Internship and 45 minute commute and all.

But tonight I was home. And the parentals discerned older-brother’s concert was best a one-parent experience for the sake of all involved.

And she and I lay on the couch in a cuddle we both longed for.

And after her independent shower, she requested a tuck-in.

And I acquiesced.

And her room.

Neat and tidy.

Not the tornado-zone of her younger years, but all buttoned up (if you don’t look under the bed or in the closet).

And her bag packed for a spring-break weekend with her best friend and family, lined up right next to the door.

And there it was in front of me.

A wave, and a car door slam, and there she goes to college.

Thank God she’s only 9.

Plenty of days ahead to savor.

The future is right there.

So today we’ll cuddle.

And it’s only halfway there.

Thank God.


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