I'm Not Tired!

Nicolas is NOT TIRED!
I feel most inadequate as a mother at bed time.

I have friends who will move mountains not to miss bed time.

They have super-sweet bedtime routines complete with quiet whispers, long cuddles, special stories and gentle goodnight kisses. They cherish these moments and wouldn't miss them for the world.

I, on the other hand, find missing bed time to be a guilty pleasure.

To not have to deal with the screaming, the crying, the stalling, the fighting.

I feel like a horrible mother for admitting it, but that's the honest truth.

Nicolas recently decided he no longer wants to sleep - "never more" in his words. The moment he senses bed time or a nap is eminent or that he is sleepy, he starts to moan - over and over again - "I'm not tired!" The chant continues without interruption until he has been pottied, diapered, pj'd and put into bed and realizes his story is about to be read.

He listens intently to the story until it reaches the final pages, and then the incessant chanting begins again and continues until  he passes out on the floor right up against his door.

Sometimes it takes 20 minutes, sometimes an hour or more.

Tonight, when I finally returned to the main floor, I had the extra-special pleasure of finding Lucas butt-naked, washing his potty seat in my bathroom sink. He thought the crusty pee-pee stuff needed to be cleaned off.


It took another forty minutes for him to finally wash his hands and put his PJs on, despite my encouragement, insistence and assistance.

Nicolas chanted his refrain the entire time.

Meanwhile, Analise, who had been fed and put to sleep while Lucas was washing his potty seat, woke after a 40-minute snooze.

She lay in her crib screaming while I cajoled Lucas into bed, quickly said his prayers and gave him a good night kiss.

She has been up ever since and utterly refuses to go to sleep.

Most nights are like this, to one extent or another.

So there it is, my guilty secret.

I hate bed time.


  1. I sure hope its a short phased thing.

  2. As long as the floor is clean ... let him fall asleep where he falls asleep...(bed after he's in deep sleep)

    Mr. Clean... give him a PROJECT b-4 bed...if he goes to bed... get him up... yup... tire his little fanny out...

    by the way... books on tape... Yep... they ramble on and on... just turn out the light and let the tape ... READ TO THEM.... just make sure its a long and boring story!!

    also... anything that can hold their attention to watch... like lava lamps or movies on the wall... anything that will keep their "eyes on the birdie" but out of reach and in no way a danger to them....

    Mom... you need every night some time for just you... yup... you have to stick to it... It might just be 15 mins... but you have to give yourself this time to JUST BE YOU>>>> not wife not mom.... JUST YOU... like when you write...make a special tea or hot coco ...


    I learned to pretend that after MY moment I became SUPER MOM so I could finish the dishes, fold clothes, clean the tub out and yes... every now and then be mrs... sexy!

    As they become older you learn to give yourself alittle more time...

    *** other tricks you know by now ... lavender EVERYTHING... candles, air freshner, bath for children... 1/2 hour b-4 the night night hour... music...slow, low music...I even turned out lights, except bathroom and bedroom lamps... and NEVER USE THAT TERM AROUND THE CHILDREN. Naps, night-night, sleep...BEDTIME...

    Gosh you can write...
    you need a magazine spot for fun stories like
    this one... took me back in time...
    a young mom exhausted but happy... and you do live through it all with God's help... I mean he picked you to teach these special three all about life... how great is that!

    Thanks for sharing ... like I mentioned before... your story took me back. It painted a picture. I can laugh now.

  3. Like someone else said: We have a story projector...it ready Winnie the Pooh...you can read along...bad thing is I cannot find more books for the type we have...but Max is so used to it the chime when it starts trigger him into settling down.

    Also, do you play music at all? I have always played music on a constant replay mode for both of my kids. they are lullabyes with ocean noises in the back ground..again..they are used to it now and it helps to trigger sleep. May be harder for you since the boys share a room if it would bother the other.

    Good luck...I so look forward to bedtime...when the house becomes quite.


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